Pure Michigan Funding MARVAC Members:The following communication was issued by the Vice-President of Travel Michigan-David West yesterday afternoon. If the legislature should enact legislation that would cut funding to the Pure Michigan campaign, this would dramatically impact Michigan tourism in all segments of the industry.
Please take the time to read and understand the most current legislative plan.

“A road funding plan announced this week by Michigan House of Representatives leadership proposes to raise revenue by slashing approximately $185 million from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. This would affect all economic development programs and eliminate the Pure Michigan campaign.

 Michigan’s tourism industry is one of the strongest pillars in our state’s economic foundation. According to Tourism Economics, 113.4 million visitors spent $22.8 billion in Michigan last year and directly supported 214,000 Michigan jobs. 

The Pure Michigan campaign directly influenced more than 4.1 million trips to the state by out-of-state visitors in 2014, according to Longwoods International. In return, those trips generated $1.2 billion for Michigan businesses and generated $85.4 million in tax revenue received by the state, resulting in $6.87 for every one dollar spent. Since 2006, Pure Michigan has generated 22.4 million out-of-state trips to Michigan. Those visitors spent $6.6 billion at Michigan businesses and generated $459 million in state revenue.

While quality roads and transportation infrastructure are important to a thriving economic climate, now is not the time to drastically cut or jettison critical economic development initiatives like Pure Michigan. 

We would no longer have the ability to showcase our state to a national and global audience, fuel new growth, or create new jobs. Other states are ramping up their tourism promotion efforts and are determined to take visitors, dollars, and jobs away from Michigan. 

We are aggressively working to educate the legislature to help them understand the value in the work that we do so that we can continue to help accelerate Michigan’s economic comeback.  Governor Snyder has recommended $30 million in his FY 2016 budget for Pure Michigan.”

As the legislature continues to debate this proposal in the coming weeks, MARVAC staff and Public Affairs Associates, the association’s lobbying representatives, will monitor its movement. We may need our members to contact their legislator to advocate in favor of the plan put forth by the governor.

Today, our tourism industry and Pure Michigan brand are stronger than ever. We might need to act, or risk losing what we have collectively worked so hard to build over these past 10 years.

HARVEST Golf Tournament – Register Today!

20th Annual HARVEST Golf Tournament


June 8th, 2015 – 10:30 A.M.

Mystic Creek Golf Club – Milford, MI


You are invited to participate in the 20th annual HARVEST golf outing on Monday, June 8th at Mystic Creek golf course in Milford, Michigan.  We are also seeking sponsors for this important educational cause.  To date, HARVEST has provided 540 scholarships totaling $282,350.00.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

Adventure Homes
All Seasons Communications
The DeWitt Family
General RV
Gunners Meters
International Bancard
Public Affairs Associates
Statistical Surveys
Strategic Operational Solutions
Suburban Collection Showplace
Sun Communities

HARVEST Board of Trustees

Tom O’Branovic, President
Sun Communities, Inc.

Jon Caswell, Vice President
Caswell RV

Andy Blank, Treasurer
Franklin Group

Timothy DeWitt, Secretary

Scott Dodge
General RV Center

Jim Hoekstra
Sun Communities

William Lettinga, Jr.
Kentland Corporation

Thank you to Andy Blank and Jon Caswell for being involved in the scholarship review committee.

The Association would like to express its gratitude to All Seasons Communications for their continued sponsorship and commitment to this event.

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