Page 58 - MARVAC2021v2
P. 58

 Staying Healthy
Whether it’s taking walks, scaling dunes, biking rail trails, taking a dip in a lake, or kayaking along one of Michigan’s pristine rivers, most RVers are typically active and enjoy the outdoors. Being outside and partaking in physical activities, whether they are strenuous or not, are good for the heart, body, and mind.
The COVID-19 pandemic brought the topic of health front and center. It’s already well-known that stronger, healthier bodies that are cared for tend to do better when illness hits. We need to take care of ourselves physically as well as take care of our living environments to ensure we are as healthy as possible. Here are some things you can do to help ward off the bugs – and we don’t mean the kind that fly, crawl, or scurry.
❶ Stay active. You don’t need to be a marathoner
or an avid cyclist to reap the benefits of physical exercise. It
can be as simple as 20-30 minutes of light to moderate activ-
ity a few times a week, such as taking a brisk walk, biking a few times around the campground, or even gardening. Staying active reduces your risk of developing several diseases, includ- ing diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. More than that, exercise and physical activity helps our brains. We feel more positive and ward off cognitive decline.
❷ Eat right. No fast food. Okay, that may not be realistic on the road. Less fast food. If you do, then choose smaller portions or lower-calorie items from the menu (ev- eryone seems to have calories listed these days). If you go for what you crave, try to save part of it for later so that all of the calories aren’t consumed at once. In the summer and fall, visit farmer’s markets for fresh produce and homemade breads. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits and whole grains is good for you – and you feel full for longer. No need to pass on the alcohol or dessert, as long as it’s in moderation.

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