Page 66 - MARVAC2020
P. 66

Pure MI
Games are perfect for entertaining your family and neighbors and when hosting large parties. These seven games are campground favorites.
➊ CORNHOLE: A backyard staple nowadays, it’s typically played with two teams of two, but you can play one-on-one, too. Play until someone gets exactly 21 points. You can move the boards closer together for the younger players who can’t throw as far, or farther away for those looking for a challenge.
➋ GIANT JENGA: We’ve all played the classic game, Jenga – you build a teetering tower of wooden blocks until someone knocks the tower over. Giant Jenga is the same thing, but, well, giant! The loser has to rebuild the tower for the next round. (Just don’t be in the way of the collapsing tower.)
➌ LADDER GOLF: Similar to Cornhole, divide into two even teams or select a single opponent, and space your ladders about 15 feet apart. Take turns throwing your bolas (a rope with a golf ball hooked to each end) at your ladder (a structure with three horizontal poles), attempting to wrap your bola around one of the rungs. The top rung is worth three points, the middle two points, and the bottom is worth one point. Play to 21.
➍ SPIKEBALL: Spikeball is a relatively new game, taking the country by storm. This is the perfect game for the active family looking for an exciting activity that takes a bit of effort! It’s simple: You have a net (more like a mini trampoline than a typical net), one bouncy ball, and two teams. You take turns bouncing the ball on the net, hoping to get the ball past your opponent(s).
➎ BOCCE BALL: For this classic yard game players divide into two teams of one, two, or four. Alternate throwing your ball toward the small ball, called the pallino. The team with the most balls closest to the pallino wins that round.
➏ HORSESHOES: Players take turns throwing horseshoes toward a stake, the goal being to wrap your horseshoe around the stake (a ringer) to earn points. Official rules vary, but you can either play by setting a certain number of tosses, (such as 25) and counting up the points earned in those tosses or by setting a point goal (such as 21) and then working your way there. A ringer could be three points, hitting the stake could be two points, and landing within six inches of the stake could be 1 point.
➐ GIANT YAHTZEE: Parlor room Yahtzee is played with dice and a small cup, often on the living room coffee table. Giant Yahtzee takes the party outside, and loses that obnoxiously loud cup! All of the scoring and rules remain the same.
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